Elizabeth Warren


Is Elizabeth Warren Dead or Still Alive? Elizabeth Warren Birthday and Age

Elizabeth Warren

How Old Is Elizabeth Warren? Elizabeth Warren Birthday

Elizabeth Warren was born on June 22, 1949 and is 75 years old now.

Birthday: June 22, 1949
How Old - Age: 75

Elizabeth Warren Death Fact Check

Elizabeth is alive and kicking and is currently 75 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Elizabeth Warren - Biography

Elizabeth Ann Warren (née Herring; born June 22, 1949) is an American academic and politician, who is the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts. She is a member of the Democratic Party, and was previously a Harvard Law School professor specializing in bankruptcy law. A prominent legal scholar, Warren is among the most cited in the field of commercial law. She is an active consumer protection advocate whose scholarship led to the conception and establishment of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Warren has written a number of academic and popular works, and is a frequent subject of media interviews regarding the American economy and personal finance.