GG Allin


Is GG Allin Dead or Still Alive? GG Allin Birthday and Date of Death

GG Allin

GG Allin Death

Gg passed away on June 28, 1993 at the age of 36 in New York City, NY. Gg's cause of death was heroin overdose.

GG Allin death quick facts:
  • When did GG Allin die?

    June 28, 1993
  • How did GG Allin die? What was the cause of death?

    Heroin overdose
  • How old was GG Allin when died?

  • Where did GG Allin die? What was the location of death?

    New York City, NY

GG Allin Birthday and Date of Death

GG Allin was born on August 14, 1956 and died on June 28, 1993. Gg was 36 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 14, 1956
Date of Death: June 28, 1993
Age at Death: 36

GG Allin - Biography

Kevin Michael "GG" Allin (born Jesus Christ Allin; August 29, 1956 – June 28, 1993) was an American punk rock singer-songwriter, who performed and recorded with many groups during his career. GG Allin is best remembered for his notorious live performances, which often featured transgressive acts, including coprophagia, self-mutilation, and attacking audience members, for which he was arrested and imprisoned on multiple occasions. AllMusic and G4TV's That's Tough have called him "the most spectacular degenerate in rock & roll history" and the "toughest rock star in the world", respectively.