Gigi Rizzi Death
Gigi passed away on June 23, 2013 at the age of 69 in Saint-Tropez, France. Gigi's cause of death was stroke.
When did Gigi Rizzi die?
June 23, 2013How did Gigi Rizzi die? What was the cause of death?
StrokeHow old was Gigi Rizzi when died?
69Where did Gigi Rizzi die? What was the location of death?
Saint-Tropez, France
Gigi Rizzi Birthday and Date of Death
Gigi Rizzi was born on June 23, 1944 and died on June 23, 2013. Gigi was 69 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: June 23, 1944
Date of Death: June 23, 2013
Age at Death: 69
Gigi Rizzi - Biography
One of the most famous play-boy of the fabulous 60's & early 70's. He was lover and partner of the most beautiful woman of his times, Brigitte Bardot, Veruska, Dominque Sanda, Fiona Lewis, Isa Stoppi and some more. Saint-Tropez became in 60's his general quarter. He moved to Argentina in mid 70's, where he become a farmer with a quite remarkable success.
In 1967, together with Beppe Piroddi, he opened the first disco in Italy in the Brera area in Milan, the Number One. In the wake of the great success achieved by the Milanese restaurant, in 1969 a Number One was also opened in Rome, near Via Veneto. The Roman Number One was then closed in 1972, following the famous Number One Scandal, when cocaine was found in the local bathrooms. In 1969 he made his debut as an actor in the film The invisible woman by Paolo Spinola, and from there he will continue a cinematographic career in the films Death dates back to last night (1970 ) by Duccio Tessari , Roma bene (1971) by Carlo Lizzani, Ettore lo fusto (1972) by Enzo G. Castellari, up to L'occhio nel labirinto (1972) by Mario Caiano.
In the mid -seventies he abandoned European social life and moved to Argentina, where he bought land and a large number of cattle, thus founding an important farm. In 2004 he returned to Italy to participate in the reality show The farm. Married to Dolores, an Argentine, and father of three children, he died in 2013, the day of his 69th birthday, following an illness occurred while he was in Saint-Tropez.
He left an autobiographical book, edited by Giangiacomo Schiavi, entitled Io, BB and the other '68 . Lately he lived in Sori, inprovince of Genoa. Following the funeral held in Nervi in Liguria, he was buried with his parents in the family tomb in the cemetery of San Nazzaro.