Gladys Aylward


Is Gladys Aylward Dead or Still Alive? Gladys Aylward Birthday and Date of Death

Gladys Aylward

Gladys Aylward Death

Gladys passed away on January 3, 1970 at the age of 67 in Taiwan. Gladys's cause of death was natural cause.

Gladys Aylward death quick facts:
  • When did Gladys Aylward die?

    January 3, 1970
  • How did Gladys Aylward die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural cause
  • How old was Gladys Aylward when died?

  • Where did Gladys Aylward die? What was the location of death?


Gladys Aylward Birthday and Date of Death

Gladys Aylward was born on February 24, 1902 and died on January 3, 1970. Gladys was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 24, 1902
Date of Death: January 3, 1970
Age at Death: 67

Is Gladys Aylward's father, Thomas John Aylward, dead or alive?

Thomas John Aylward's information is not available now.

Is Gladys Aylward's mother, Rodina Florence Aylward, dead or alive?

Rodina Florence Aylward's information is not available now.

Gladys Aylward's sister :

  • Gladys Aylward's sister, Violet, is still alive and kicking at the age of 39. She is Czech and has had a career as an adult movie star.

Gladys Aylward's brother :

  • Gladys Aylward's brother, Laurence, is still alive and kicking at the age of 42.

Gladys Aylward - Biography

Gladys May Aylward was a British evangelical Christian missionary to China, whose story was told in the book The Small Woman, by Alan Burgess, published in 1957, and made into the film The Inn of the Sixth Happiness, starring Ingrid Bergman, in 1958. The movie was produced by Twentieth Century Fox, and filmed entirely in North Wales and England.