Gustavo Cerati


Is Gustavo Cerati Dead or Still Alive? Gustavo Cerati Birthday and Date of Death

Gustavo Cerati

Gustavo Cerati Death

Gustavo passed away on September 4, 2014 at the age of 55.

Gustavo Cerati death quick facts:
  • When did Gustavo Cerati die?

    September 4, 2014
  • How old was Gustavo Cerati when died?


Gustavo Cerati Birthday and Date of Death

Gustavo Cerati was born on August 11, 1959 and died on September 4, 2014. Gustavo was 55 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 11, 1959
Date of Death: September 4, 2014
Age at Death: 55

Is Gustavo Cerati's father, Juan José Cerati, dead or alive?

Juan José Cerati's information is not available now.

Is Gustavo Cerati's mother, Lilian Clark, dead or alive?

Lilian Clark's information is not available now.

Gustavo Cerati - Biography

Gustavo Adrián Cerati Clark was an Argentine singer-songwriter, composer and producer, considered one of the most important and influential figures of Ibero-American rock and a Latin American rock legend. As a solo artist, and with his band Soda Stereo, he set the gold standard for Latin American Rock, Rock En Español, and Ibero-American Rock. Soda Stereo became one of the most important and successful Latin American rock band of all time, selling out stadiums in their native Argentina and throughout Latin America and beyond.