Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp


Is Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp Dead or Still Alive? Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp Birthday and Date of Death

Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp

Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp Death

Hedving Elisabeth passed away on June 20, 1818 at the age of 59.

Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp death quick facts:
  • When did Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp die?

    June 20, 1818
  • How old was Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp when died?


Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp Birthday and Date of Death

Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp was born on March 22, 1759 and died on June 20, 1818. Hedving Elisabeth was 59 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 22, 1759
Date of Death: June 20, 1818
Age at Death: 59

Is Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp's father, Frederick August I, dead or alive?

Frederick August I's information is not available now.

Is Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp's mother, Ulrike Friederike Wilhelmine of Hesse-Kassel, dead or alive?

Ulrike Friederike Wilhelmine of Hesse-Kassel's information is not available now.

Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein Gottorp - Biography

Hedwig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp was Queen of Sweden and Norway as the wife of King Charles XIII and II. She was also a famed diarist, memoirist and witticist. She is generally known in Sweden by her full pen name in Swedish, though her official name as queen was Charlotte.