Jan Lamb


Is Jan Lamb Dead or Still Alive? Jan Lamb Birthday and Age

Jan Lamb

How Old Is Jan Lamb? Jan Lamb Birthday

Jan Lamb was born on January 28, 1967 and is 57 years old now.

Birthday: January 28, 1967
How Old - Age: 57

Jan Lamb Death Fact Check

Jan is alive and kicking and is currently 57 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Jan Lamb - Biography

Jan Lamb Hoi Fong is a DJ, pop singer and actor in Hong Kong. Jan is the elder brother of actor/DJ/game host Jerry Lamb and younger brother of singer and radio personality Sandy Lamb. He formed a comedic musical duo during the late 80s with fellow actor and comedian Eric Kot, called 'Softhard' (軟硬天師). His wife Cass Phang is one of the famous female singers of the 1990s.