Jody Lawrance


Is Jody Lawrance Dead or Still Alive? Jody Lawrance Birthday and Date of Death

Jody Lawrance

Jody Lawrance Death

Jody passed away on July 10, 1986 at the age of 55 in Ojai, California, USA.

Jody Lawrance death quick facts:
  • When did Jody Lawrance die?

    July 10, 1986
  • How old was Jody Lawrance when died?

  • Where did Jody Lawrance die? What was the location of death?

    Ojai, California, USA

Jody Lawrance Birthday and Date of Death

Jody Lawrance was born on October 19, 1930 and died on July 10, 1986. Jody was 55 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 19, 1930
Date of Death: July 10, 1986
Age at Death: 55

Jody Lawrance - Biography

Jody Lawrance was an American actress who was born on October 19, 1930. As a teenager, Jody attended Beverly Hills High School and The Hollywood Professional School training as an actor with Bento Schneider. In 1946, Jody performed as a swimmer in the Larry Crosby Water Show.
Her first big break came in 1949 when she was signed to a 7-year contract with Columbia Pictures, earning $250 per week. In 1951, Jody made her screen debut in Mask of the Avenger starring John Derek. The Family Secret was her second film, again starring Derek along with Lee J. Cobb, followed by Ten Tall Men co-starring Burt Lancaster, which premiered in October 1951. As the leading lady in three major movies, Jody was on her way to becoming a star.

Jody’s career and home life were at a crossroads; she still held on to the belief that she could once again resurrect her career, but Bruce wanted a wife and mother to stay home and raise their family. Unsure about what path to choose, in April, 1958 Jody travelled to Las Vegas twice to file, then changed her mind and dismissed each divorce complaint.
It was during this time that Jody met and fell in love with Robert Wolf Herre. Unlike her previous relationships, Bob was not blinded by the limelights of Hollywood. Instead he was an avid outdoorsman who appealed to Jody’s adventurous side. Playing golf, camping and going on fishing trips, were a regular part of life together for almost 25 years.
Josephine Lawrance married Robert Wolf Herre on November 1, 1962 in Las Vegas. As Josephine Lawrance Herre, she died at age 55 in Ojai, California on July 10, 1986. Her interment was in California.