Joe Kieyoomia


Is Joe Kieyoomia Dead or Still Alive? Joe Kieyoomia Birthday and Date of Death

Joe Kieyoomia

Joe Kieyoomia Death

Joe passed away in 1997 at the age of 77.

Joe Kieyoomia death quick facts:
  • When did Joe Kieyoomia die?

  • How old was Joe Kieyoomia when died?


Joe Kieyoomia Birthday and Date of Death

Joe Kieyoomia was born on November 21, 1919 and died in 1997. Joe was 77 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 21, 1919
Date of Death: 1997
Age at Death: 77

Joe Kieyoomia - Biography

Joe Kieyoomia (November 21, 1919 – February 17, 1997) was a Navajo soldier in New Mexico's 200th Coast Artillery unit who was captured by the Imperial Japanese Army after the fall of the Philippines in 1942 during World War II. Kieyoomia was a POW in Nagasaki at the time of the atomic bombing but survived, reportedly having been shielded from the effects of the bomb by the concrete walls of his cell.