John Jacob Astor III


Is John Jacob Astor III Dead or Still Alive? John Jacob Astor III Birthday and Date of Death

John Jacob Astor III

John Jacob Astor III Death

John passed away on February 22, 1890 at the age of 67 in New York City, New York, USA.

John Jacob Astor III death quick facts:
  • When did John Jacob Astor III die?

    February 22, 1890
  • How old was John Jacob Astor III when died?

  • Where did John Jacob Astor III die? What was the location of death?

    New York City, New York, USA

John Jacob Astor III Birthday and Date of Death

John Jacob Astor III was born on June 10, 1822 and died on February 22, 1890. John was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 10, 1822
Date of Death: February 22, 1890
Age at Death: 67

Is John Jacob Astor III's father, William Astor, dead or alive?

William Astor's information is not available now.

Is John Jacob Astor III's mother, Margaret Armstrong, dead or alive?

Margaret Armstrong's information is not available now.

John Jacob Astor III's sisters :

John has 2 sisters:
  • Laura Astor Delano
  • Susan Astor

John Jacob Astor III's brothers :

John has 2 brothers:
  • William Backhouse Astor
  • Henry Astor

John Jacob Astor III - Biography

John Jacob Astor III was an American financier, philanthropist, and a prominent member of the Astor family. He was the eldest son of real estate businessman William Backhouse Astor, Sr. and Margaret Rebecca Armstrong (1800-1872), a nephew of occasional poet John Jacob Astor, Jr. (1791-1869), and a grandson of fur-trader John Jacob Astor (1763-1848), Sarah Cox Todd (1761-1834), Senator John Armstrong, Jr. (1758-1843) and Alida Livingston (1761-1822) of the Livingston family. John Jacob III became the wealthiest member of the Astor family in his generation and the founder of the English branch of the Astor family. His younger brother businessman William Backhouse Astor, Jr. (1829-1892) was the patriarch of the male line of American Astors.