John Randolph Bray Death
John passed away on October 10, 1978 at the age of 99.
John Randolph Bray death quick facts:
When did John Randolph Bray die?
October 10, 1978How old was John Randolph Bray when died?
John Randolph Bray Birthday and Date of Death
John Randolph Bray was born on August 25, 1879 and died on October 10, 1978. John was 99 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: August 25, 1879
Date of Death: October 10, 1978
Age at Death: 99
John Randolph Bray - Biography
John Randolph Bray (August 25, 1879 - October 10, 1978) was an American animator. He produced the first animated film in color, The Debut of Thomas Cat (1920), in Brewster Color. Bray Productions produced over 500 films between 1913 and 1937, mostly animation films and documentary shorts. Cartoonist Paul Terry worked briefly for Bray Studios in 1916.