Julia Maesa


Is Julia Maesa Dead or Still Alive? Julia Maesa Birthday and Date of Death

Julia Maesa

Julia Maesa Death

Julia passed away in 224 at the age of 59.

Julia Maesa death quick facts:
  • When did Julia Maesa die?

  • How old was Julia Maesa when died?


Julia Maesa Birthday and Date of Death

Julia Maesa was born in 165 and died in 224. Julia was 59 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 165
Date of Death: 224
Age at Death: 59

Julia Maesa - Biography

Julia Maesa (7 May ca. 165 AD–ca. 3 August 224) was a Roman citizen and daughter of Julius Bassianus, priest of the sun god Heliogabalus, the patron god of Emesa (modern Homs) in the Roman province of Syria. Grandmother of both the Roman emperors Elagabalus and Alexander Severus, she figured prominently in the ascension of each to the title at the age of fourteen.