Lawrence Tierney


Is Lawrence Tierney Dead or Still Alive? Lawrence Tierney Birthday and Date of Death

Lawrence Tierney

Lawrence Tierney Death

Lawrence passed away on February 26, 2002 at the age of 82 in Los Angeles, California nursing home. Lawrence's cause of death was pneumonia.

Lawrence Tierney death quick facts:
  • When did Lawrence Tierney die?

    February 26, 2002
  • How did Lawrence Tierney die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Lawrence Tierney when died?

  • Where did Lawrence Tierney die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California nursing home

Lawrence Tierney Birthday and Date of Death

Lawrence Tierney was born on March 15, 1919 and died on February 26, 2002. Lawrence was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 15, 1919
Date of Death: February 26, 2002
Age at Death: 82

Is Lawrence Tierney's father, Lawrence Tierney, dead or alive?

Lawrence Tierney's father, Lawrence Tierney, died on February 26, 2002 as he was 82 years old. His cause of death was pneumonia.

Is Lawrence Tierney's mother, Mary Tierney, dead or alive?

Mary Tierney's information is not available now.

Lawrence Tierney's brother :

  • Lawrence Tierney's brother, Scott Brady, died on April 16, 1985 as he was 60 years old. His cause of death was emphysema.

Lawrence Tierney - Biography

Lawrence James Tierney was an American actor known for his many screen portrayals of mobsters and tough guys, roles that mirrored his own frequent brushes with the law.