Li Tobler


Is Li Tobler Dead or Still Alive? Li Tobler Birthday and Date of Death

Li Tobler

Li Tobler Death

Li passed away on May 19, 1975 at the age of 27 in Zurich, Switzerland. Li's cause of death was suicide by gunshot.

Li Tobler death quick facts:
  • When did Li Tobler die?

    May 19, 1975
  • How did Li Tobler die? What was the cause of death?

    Suicide by gunshot
  • How old was Li Tobler when died?

  • Where did Li Tobler die? What was the location of death?

    Zurich, Switzerland

Li Tobler Birthday and Date of Death

Li Tobler was born in 1948 and died on May 19, 1975. Li was 27 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1948
Date of Death: May 19, 1975
Age at Death: 27

Li Tobler - Biography

Li Tobler (1948 – 19 May 1975) was a Swiss stage actress, better-known as the lover and muse of surrealist painter H. R. Giger, who featured her in much of his work. Two of his major paintings were portraits of Li, and her face can also be recognised in some of his semi-abstract subjects where man and machine are fused into one.