Louisa Lane Drew Death
Louisa passed away on August 31, 1897 at the age of 77 in Larchmont, New York.
Louisa Lane Drew death quick facts:
When did Louisa Lane Drew die?
August 31, 1897How old was Louisa Lane Drew when died?
77Where did Louisa Lane Drew die? What was the location of death?
Larchmont, New York
Louisa Lane Drew Birthday and Date of Death
Louisa Lane Drew was born on January 10, 1820 and died on August 31, 1897. Louisa was 77 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 10, 1820
Date of Death: August 31, 1897
Age at Death: 77
Is Louisa Lane Drew's father, Thomas Frederick Lane [, dead or alive?
Thomas Frederick Lane ['s information is not available now.
Is Louisa Lane Drew's mother, Eliza Trentner, dead or alive?
Eliza Trentner's information is not available now.
Louisa Lane Drew - Biography
Louisa Lane Drew was an English-born American actress and theatre owner and an ancestor of the Barrymore acting family.