Margaret of Valois Death
Margaret passed away on March 27, 1615 at the age of 61.
When did Margaret of Valois die?
March 27, 1615How old was Margaret of Valois when died?
Margaret of Valois Birthday and Date of Death
Margaret of Valois was born on May 14, 1553 and died on March 27, 1615. Margaret was 61 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 14, 1553
Date of Death: March 27, 1615
Age at Death: 61
Is Margaret of Valois's father, Henry II of France, dead or alive?
Margaret of Valois's father, Henry II of France, died on July 10, 1559 as he was 40 years old.
Is Margaret of Valois's mother, Catherine de' Medici, dead or alive?
Margaret of Valois's mother, Catherine de' Medici, died on January 5, 1589 as she was 69 years old.
Margaret of Valois's sisters :
Margaret has 4 sisters:Margaret of Valois's sister, Elisabeth of Valois, died on October 3, 1568 as he was 23 years old.
Margaret of Valois's sister, Claude of Valois, died on February 21, 1575 as he was 27 years old. His cause of death was childbirth.
- Joan of Valois
Margaret of Valois's sister, Victoria of Valois, died on August 17, 1556 as he was 0 years old.
Margaret of Valois's brothers :
Margaret has 6 brothers:Margaret of Valois's brother, Francis II of France, died on December 5, 1560 as he was 16 years old.
- Louis of Valois
Margaret of Valois's brother, Charles IX of France, died on May 30, 1574 as he was 23 years old.
Margaret of Valois's brother, Henry III of France, died on August 2, 1589 as he was 37 years old.
- Francis
- Duke of Alençon
Margaret of Valois - Biography
Margaret of Valois was Queen of France and of Navarre during the late sixteenth century. Royal Princess of France by birth, she ultimately became the only surviving member of the Royal Valois dynasty.