Marjorie White Death
Marjorie passed away on August 21, 1935 at the age of 31 in Hollywood, California, USA. Marjorie's cause of death was internal hemorrhage (due to car accident).
When did Marjorie White die?
August 21, 1935How did Marjorie White die? What was the cause of death?
Internal hemorrhage (due to car accident)How old was Marjorie White when died?
31Where did Marjorie White die? What was the location of death?
Hollywood, California, USA
Marjorie White Birthday and Date of Death
Marjorie White was born on July 22, 1904 and died on August 21, 1935. Marjorie was 31 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: July 22, 1904
Date of Death: August 21, 1935
Age at Death: 31
Is Marjorie White's father, Robert Guthrie, dead or alive?
Robert Guthrie's information is not available now.
Is Marjorie White's mother, Nettie Guthrie, dead or alive?
Nettie Guthrie's information is not available now.
Marjorie White's sister :
- Belva Guthrie
Marjorie White's brothers :
Marjorie has 3 brothers:- Orville Guthrie
- Morley Guthrie
- Stewart Guthrie
Marjorie White - Biography
Pretty-as-a-picture Marjorie White was a charming comedienne, and although she was never the star, she stole many scenes from stars. She co-starred with some of the leading comediennes of the day, such as Wheeler and Woolsey, the Three Stooges, and Joe E. Brown, and brought smiles to the faces of moviegoers and theatergoers alike. It's easy to tell she was a favorite in the 1930s. In addition to having acting talent and screen presence, she could sing and dance, which made her fantastic in musical comedies on stage and screen. In her early career, she was teamed up with Thelma White, another popular performer and actress, and together they became a popular singing and dancing duo known as the "White Sisters".