Mikhail Tsaryov


Is Mikhail Tsaryov Dead or Still Alive? Mikhail Tsaryov Birthday and Date of Death

Mikhail Tsaryov

Mikhail Tsaryov Death

Mikhail passed away on November 1, 1987 at the age of 83.

Mikhail Tsaryov death quick facts:
  • When did Mikhail Tsaryov die?

    November 1, 1987
  • How old was Mikhail Tsaryov when died?


Mikhail Tsaryov Birthday and Date of Death

Mikhail Tsaryov was born on December 1, 1903 and died on November 1, 1987. Mikhail was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 1, 1903
Date of Death: November 1, 1987
Age at Death: 83

Mikhail Tsaryov - Biography

Mikhail Tsarev was a Russian stage actor and director of Maly Theatre in Moscow, best known for his acclaimed renditions of poems by Alexander Pushkin as well as his mastery of Russian language and powerful delivery. He was a long time Chairman of the Russia's Theatrical Society (the Actors Union of Russia) and was president of the Soviet National Center of the International Theater Institute.Mikhail Tsarev was best known for his performances in classical Russia dramas. From 1937 to 1987, he was permanent member of the troupe at Maly Thatre in Moscow. From 1950 - 1988, Tsarev was artistic director of the Maly Theatre. He was designated People's Actor of the USSR, was twice awarded the State Prize of the USSR, and was three times decorated with the Order of Lenin, as well as numerous other order and medals of Russia and the USSR. Mikhail Tsarev died on November 10, 1987, and was laid to rest in Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, Russia. His obituary was signed by Mikhail Gorbachev.