Nancy Addison


Is Nancy Addison Dead or Still Alive? Nancy Addison Birthday and Date of Death

Nancy Addison

Nancy Addison Death

Nancy passed away on June 18, 2002 at the age of 54 in New York City, New York, USA. Nancy's cause of death was lung cancer.

Nancy Addison death quick facts:
  • When did Nancy Addison die?

    June 18, 2002
  • How did Nancy Addison die? What was the cause of death?

    Lung cancer
  • How old was Nancy Addison when died?

  • Where did Nancy Addison die? What was the location of death?

    New York City, New York, USA

Nancy Addison Birthday and Date of Death

Nancy Addison was born on March 21, 1948 and died on June 18, 2002. Nancy was 54 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 21, 1948
Date of Death: June 18, 2002
Age at Death: 54

Nancy Addison - Biography

Nancy Addison Altman also known as Nancy Addison (March 21, 1946 – June 18, 2002), was an American soap opera actress, best known for her role as Jillian Coleridge on the television soap opera Ryan's Hope. She originated the role on the show's premiere in 1975 and remained until early 1988 but returned for the show's final episodes in 1989.