Nevra Serezli


Is Nevra Serezli Dead or Still Alive? Nevra Serezli Birthday and Age

Nevra Serezli

How Old Is Nevra Serezli? Nevra Serezli Birthday

Nevra Serezli was born on August 9, 1944 and is 80 years old now.

Birthday: August 9, 1944
How Old - Age: 80

Nevra Serezli Death Fact Check

Nevra Serezli is alive and kicking and is currently 80 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Nevra Serezli - Biography

Nevra Serezli (born 9 August 1944) is a Turkish film, stage, television and voice actress. Following her graduation from Robert College, she went on to study theatre. In 1965, she started working as a professional stage actress at the Dormen Theatre. Two years later, she appeared at the Ankara Art Theatre. Between 1971 and 1978, she performed in numerous plays with Altan Erbulak and Metin Serezli. In 1984, she registered with Devekuşu Kabare Tiyatrosu (Ostrich Cabaret Theatre) as an actress. She served at the Devekuşu Kabare until 1989. After reprising her duties at the Dormen Theatre in 1990, she joined the theatrical assembly called Tiyatro İstanbul. She gave lessons at the Language and Culture Centre (LCC).