Norma Talmadge Death
Norma passed away on December 24, 1957 at the age of 64 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Norma's cause of death was pneumonia.
When did Norma Talmadge die?
December 24, 1957How did Norma Talmadge die? What was the cause of death?
PneumoniaHow old was Norma Talmadge when died?
64Where did Norma Talmadge die? What was the location of death?
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Norma Talmadge Birthday and Date of Death
Norma Talmadge was born on May 26, 1893 and died on December 24, 1957. Norma was 64 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 26, 1893
Date of Death: December 24, 1957
Age at Death: 64
Is Norma Talmadge's father, Fred Talmadge, dead or alive?
Fred Talmadge's information is not available now.
Is Norma Talmadge's mother, Margaret "Peg" Talmadge, dead or alive?
Margaret "Peg" Talmadge's information is not available now.
Norma Talmadge's sisters :
Norma has 2 sisters:Norma Talmadge's sister, Constance Talmadge, died on November 23, 1973 as he was 75 years old. His cause of death was pneumonia.
Norma Talmadge's sister, Natalie Talmadge, died on June 19, 1969 as he was 73 years old. His cause of death was cardiac arrest/alcoholism.
Norma Talmadge - Biography
Norma Talmadge was an American actress and film producer of the silent era. A major box office draw for more than a decade, her career reached a peak in the early 1920s, when she ranked among the most popular idols of the American screen.
Upon leaving the movie world, Norma Talmadge rid herself of all the duties and responsibilities of stardom. She told eager fans who were pressing her for an autograph as she left a restaurant, "Get away, dears. I don't need you anymore and you don't need me."
In her later years, Talmadge, who had never been comfortable with the burdens of public celebrity, became reclusive. Increasingly crippled by painful arthritis and reported to be dependent on painkilling drugs, she moved to the warm climate of Las Vegas for her final years. According to Anita Loos' memories of Talmadge, the drug addiction came first which caused arthritis and was the basis of Norma's interest in her physician husband. In 1956, she was voted by her peers as one of the top five female stars of the pre-1925 era, but was too ill to travel to Rochester, New York, to accept her award.
After suffering a series of strokes in 1957, Talmadge died of pneumonia on Christmas Eve of that year. At the time of her death, her estate was valued at more than US$1,000,000 (roughly $8,000,000 in 2012). She is interred with Constance and Natalie in their own niche in the Abbey of the Psalms in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.