Polow da Don


Is Polow da Don Dead or Still Alive? Polow da Don Birthday and Age

Polow da Don

How Old Is Polow da Don? Polow da Don Birthday

Polow da Don was born on October 15, 1972 and is 52 years old now.

Birthday: October 15, 1972
How Old - Age: 52

Polow da Don Death Fact Check

Polow is alive and kicking and is currently 52 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Polow da Don - Biography

Jamal Fincher Jones (born October 15, 1976), professionally known as Polow da Don, is an American record producer, songwriter and rapper. His cousin is Atlanta singer Monica. He has produced for a variety of artists including Nicki Minaj, Ciara, Chris Brown, Nelly, Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, T.I., Will Smith, Keri Hilson, Limp Bizkit, Kelis, and Usher.
Jones left college to pursue a rap career with his group Jim Crow. The group signed to Sony Music Entertainment in 1999 where they released two albums—Crow's Nest (1999) and Right Quick (2001)—before being dropped. Although disappointed, Jones formed a Southern hip hop group with Bubba Sparxxx, Sean P, Pastor Troy, G Rock, and Timbaland. However, they split up without any releases.

Jones started making beats around 2001. His first beat tape made its way to Interscope Records president Jimmy Iovine. The beats were eventually used for the tracks "Runaway Love" by Ludacris, "Buttons" by the Pussycat Dolls, and "This Is the Life" by Tru-Life, among others.