

Is Renaud Dead or Still Alive? Renaud Birthday and Age


How Old Is Renaud? Renaud Birthday

Renaud was born on May 11, 1952 and is 72 years old now.

Birthday: May 11, 1952
How Old - Age: 72

Renaud Death Fact Check

Renaud is alive and kicking and is currently 72 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Renaud - Biography

Renaud Pierre Manuel Séchan, known as Renaud (born 11 May 1952), is a popular French singer, songwriter and actor. His characteristically 'broken' voice makes for a very distinctive vocal style. Several of his songs are popular classics in France, including the sea tale "Dès que le vent soufflera", the irreverent "Laisse béton", the ballad "Morgane de toi" and the nostalgic "Mistral gagnant". However, with the exception of a recording of "Miss Maggie" in English and a franglais recording of "It is not because you are", his work is almost unknown outside the French-speaking world.