Rosa Henson


Is Rosa Henson Dead or Still Alive? Rosa Henson Birthday and Date of Death

Rosa Henson

Rosa Henson Death

Rosa passed away in 1997 at the age of 70.

Rosa Henson death quick facts:
  • When did Rosa Henson die?

  • How old was Rosa Henson when died?


Rosa Henson Birthday and Date of Death

Rosa Henson was born in 1927 and died in 1997. Rosa was 70 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1927
Date of Death: 1997
Age at Death: 70

Rosa Henson - Biography

María Rosa Luna Henson or "Lola Rosa" ("Grandma Rosa") (1927–1997) was the first Filipina who made public her story as a comfort woman (military sex slave) for the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second World War.