Stacey Tendeter Death
Stacey passed away on October 26, 2008 at the age of 59 in London, England.
Stacey Tendeter death quick facts:
When did Stacey Tendeter die?
October 26, 2008How old was Stacey Tendeter when died?
59Where did Stacey Tendeter die? What was the location of death?
London, England
Stacey Tendeter Birthday and Date of Death
Stacey Tendeter was born on June 21, 1949 and died on October 26, 2008. Stacey was 59 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: June 21, 1949
Date of Death: October 26, 2008
Age at Death: 59
Stacey Tendeter - Biography
Stacey Tendeter (21 June 1949 – 26 October 2008) was a British actress best known for her performance as Muriel in the 1971 film Two English Girls. Her other cinematic appearances include White Bird, Friend or Foe, and Terminal Game.