Sulli Choi


Is Sulli Choi Dead or Still Alive? Sulli Choi Birthday and Date of Death

Sulli Choi

Sulli Choi Death

Sulli passed away on October 14, 2019 at the age of 25 in Seongnam-si, South Korea.

Sulli Choi death quick facts:
  • When did Sulli Choi die?

    October 14, 2019
  • How old was Sulli Choi when died?

  • Where did Sulli Choi die? What was the location of death?

    Seongnam-si, South Korea

Sulli Choi Birthday and Date of Death

Sulli Choi was born on March 29, 1994 and died on October 14, 2019. Sulli was 25 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 29, 1994
Date of Death: October 14, 2019
Age at Death: 25

Sulli Choi - Biography

Choi Jin-ri (born March 29, 1994), better known by her stage name Sulli, is a South Korean actress, singer and model. She is a former member of South Korean girl group f(x). On August 7, 2015 (a year into her hiatus), it was announced that Sulli had officially withdrawn from the group to pursue her acting career and S.M. Entertainment would continue to manage Sulli in her acting endeavors.
In 2005, Sulli began acting professionally at the age of 11, when she was selected to play young Princess Seonhwa of Silla in the SBS drama Ballad of Seodong. Before her debut as a child actress, her stage name was changed to Sulli at the suggestion of a reporter who felt her birth name was "too Christian" and that people from other religions would not like it. She continued to take on minor roles in television dramas and movies such as Vacation (2006), Punch Lady (2007), The Flower Girl is Here (2007) and BABO (2008).

In August 2012, Sulli starred as the lead role in To the Beautiful You, based on the famous Japanese shojo manga series Hanazakari no Kimitachie. The drama series started broadcasting on August 15, 2012 on SBS. Sulli plays Gu Jae-hee, who disguises as a boy in order to attend the same school as her crush. In order to prepare for her role, Sulli who was known for her long hair cut 60 cm of it. She later won the New Star Award at the SBS Drama Awards for her performance in the drama.
In August 2014, she appeared in period adventure film The Pirates alongside Son Ye-jin and Kim Nam-gil. She played a supporting character named Heuk-myo, a young girl who became a pirate after being saved by the female captain. Later, she played the leading role in comedy film Fashion King, based on the webtoon series of the same name, alongside Joo Won and Kim Sung-oh. In 2017, Sulli starred in a leading role in the film Real (2017) with Kim Soo-hyun.