Takeshi Kimura


Is Takeshi Kimura Dead or Still Alive? Takeshi Kimura Birthday and Date of Death

Takeshi Kimura

Takeshi Kimura Death

Takeshi passed away on January 1, 1988 at the age of 75 in Tokyo, Japan.

Takeshi Kimura death quick facts:
  • When did Takeshi Kimura die?

    January 1, 1988
  • How old was Takeshi Kimura when died?

  • Where did Takeshi Kimura die? What was the location of death?

    Tokyo, Japan

Takeshi Kimura Birthday and Date of Death

Takeshi Kimura was born on February 4, 1912 and died on January 1, 1988. Takeshi was 75 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 4, 1912
Date of Death: January 1, 1988
Age at Death: 75

Takeshi Kimura - Biography

Takeshi Kimura (February 4, 1912 – January 1988) was a Japanese screenwriter who wrote many films for Toho studios. Kimura scripted several films for director Ishirō Honda, including Rodan, The Mysterians, Matango, Frankenstein Conquers the World, War of the Gargantuas, King Kong Escapes, Destroy All Monsters, and Godzilla vs. Hedorah. He was a member of the Japanese Communist Party whose screenplays often included political themes. His scripts are frequently contrasted with those written by Shinichi Sekizawa, whose scripts for kaiju films typically had a more lightweight, "fun" tone.