Tommy Billington


Is Tommy Billington Dead or Still Alive? Tommy Billington Birthday and Age

Tommy Billington

How Old Is Tommy Billington? Tommy Billington Birthday

Tommy Billington was born on December 5, 1959 and is 65 years old now.

Birthday: December 5, 1959
How Old - Age: 65

Tommy Billington Death Fact Check

Tommy is alive and kicking and is currently 65 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Tommy Billington - Biography

Thomas "Tom" Billington (born 5 December, 1958) is a retired English professional wrestler, best known by the ring name Dynamite Kid. He competed in the World Wrestling Federation, Stampede Wrestling, All Japan Pro Wrestling and New Japan Pro Wrestling in the mid- to late-1980s. With his cousin Davey Boy Smith, Billington is also known for being half of the tag team the British Bulldogs. He has had notable feuds with Tiger Mask in Japan and Bret Hart in Canada.