Trude Dothan


Is Trude Dothan Dead or Still Alive? Trude Dothan Birthday and Date of Death

Trude Dothan

Trude Dothan Death

Trude passed away on January 28, 2016 at the age of 93 in Jerusalem, Israel.

Trude Dothan death quick facts:
  • When did Trude Dothan die?

    January 28, 2016
  • How old was Trude Dothan when died?

  • Where did Trude Dothan die? What was the location of death?

    Jerusalem, Israel

Trude Dothan Birthday and Date of Death

Trude Dothan was born on October 12, 1922 and died on January 28, 2016. Trude was 93 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 12, 1922
Date of Death: January 28, 2016
Age at Death: 93

Trude Dothan - Biography

Professor Trude Dothan (Hebrew: טרודה דותן, born October 12, 1922) is an Israeli archaeologist who focuses on the Late Bronze and Iron Ages in the region, in particular in Philistine culture. A professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem from 1977, she held the Eliezer Sukenik Chair of Archeology and headed the Berman Center of Biblical Archaeology.