Victoria Vinton


Is Victoria Vinton Dead or Still Alive? Victoria Vinton Birthday and Date of Death

Victoria Vinton

Victoria Vinton Death

Victoria passed away on June 12, 1980 at the age of 67 in Woodland Hills, California.

Victoria Vinton death quick facts:
  • When did Victoria Vinton die?

    June 12, 1980
  • How old was Victoria Vinton when died?

  • Where did Victoria Vinton die? What was the location of death?

    Woodland Hills, California

Victoria Vinton Birthday and Date of Death

Victoria Vinton was born on August 23, 1912 and died on June 12, 1980. Victoria was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 23, 1912
Date of Death: June 12, 1980
Age at Death: 67

Victoria Vinton - Biography

Victoria Vinton, born Victoria Velnette Vinton was an early B-movie actress, starring in over thirty films from 1932 into 1940, mostly in westerns.Born in New Jersey, Vinton was a goodlooking young woman in her youth, and was often called in her acting days "a Jean Harlow look alike". Her career started with her on contract with Warner Bros., beginning in 1932. With them she made a number of successful western films, usually starring as the heroine alongside cowboy stars Fred Scott, Bob Custer, Reb Russell, Wally Wales, and Bill Cody.Following the end of her Warner Bros. contract, she starred in six ultra-low budget westerns with other companies. From 1932 through 1936 she was fairly active, although some were uncredited roles, but with several starring roles, some of which were moderately successful. Her first credited role was The Seventh Commandment in 1932. In 1934 she starred in Adventures of Texas Jack, and later that year she starred in Pals of the Prairie.However, she still had not reached full star billing status, and played in another seven films that same year uncredited. In 1935 she had one starring role, in The Cheyenne Tornado, but another two films in which she was uncredited. In 1936 she starred in Ambush Valley with Bob Custer, and in Vengeance of Rannah, also with Custer as well as with John Elliott, but yet another four films in which she was uncredited. She played small parts after that, sometimes as small as a backup dancer or non-billed scene actor. Her last credited role was in 1937, when she starred in The Singing Buckaroo. She appeared uncredited in six films in 1940. Then, Vinton simply disappeared, as far as Hollywood was concerned.Vinton did not reappear publicly until her death, on June 12, 1980, while living in an actors retirement community in Woodland Hills, California. When she died her name was Victoria Velnette Yates. There is no information as to what she had done during her decades of absence from acting.