How Old Is Warren Jeffs? Warren Jeffs Birthday
Warren Jeffs was born on December 3, 1955 and is 68 years old now.
Birthday: December 3, 1955
How Old - Age: 68
Warren Jeffs Death Fact Check
Warren is alive and kicking and is currently 68 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Warren Jeffs's father, Rulon Jeffs, dead or alive?
Rulon Jeffs's information is not available now.
Is Warren Jeffs's mother, Marilyn Steed, dead or alive?
Marilyn Steed's information is not available now.
Warren Jeffs - Biography
Warren Steed Jeffs is the former President of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and convicted felon currently serving a sentence of life plus 20 years. His prison term is the result of being convicted of two felony counts of child sexual assault in 2011.