Allee Willis


Is Allee Willis Dead or Still Alive? Allee Willis Birthday and Age

Allee Willis

How Old Is Allee Willis? Allee Willis Birthday

Allee Willis was born on November 10, 1947 and is 77 years old now.

Birthday: November 10, 1947
How Old - Age: 77

Allee Willis Death Fact Check

Allee is alive and kicking and is currently 77 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Allee Willis - Biography

Allee Willis (born November 10, 1947) is an American songwriter, artist, set designer, multimedia artist, writer, collector, party thrower, and director. In 1995 Willis was nominated for an Emmy for her #1 hit, "I'll Be There for You", the theme from Friends, one of the best selling television themes of all time. She also co-wrote the hit Broadway musical, The Color Purple.