Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria Death
Maria Anna passed away on December 16, 1744 at the age of 26 in Palace of Charles Alexandre of Lorraine, Brussels, Austrian Netherlands (now Belgium). Maria Anna's cause of death was childbirth.
When did Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria die?
December 16, 1744How did Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria die? What was the cause of death?
ChildbirthHow old was Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria when died?
26Where did Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria die? What was the location of death?
Palace of Charles Alexandre of Lorraine, Brussels, Austrian Netherlands (now Belgium)
Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria Birthday and Date of Death
Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria was born on September 18, 1718 and died on December 16, 1744. Maria Anna was 26 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: September 18, 1718
Date of Death: December 16, 1744
Age at Death: 26
Is Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria's father, Charles VI Holy Roman Emperor, dead or alive?
Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria's father, Charles VI Holy Roman Emperor, died on October 20, 1740 as he was 55 years old.
Is Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria's mother, Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, dead or alive?
Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel's information is not available now.
Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria's sister :
Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria's sister, Maria Theresa, died on November 29, 1780 as he was 63 years old.
Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria - Biography
Archduchess Maria Anna Eleanor Wilhelmina Josepha of Austria was an Archduchess of Austria and a Princess of Lorraine, the younger sister of Empress Maria Theresa.