

Is Caulfield Dead or Still Alive? Caulfield Birthday and Date of Death


Caulfield Death

Caulfield passed away in 2015 in United States. Caulfield's cause of death was axed twice in the stomach and head chopped off.

Caulfield death quick facts:
  • When did Caulfield die?

  • How did Caulfield die? What was the cause of death?

    Axed twice in the stomach and head chopped off
  • How old was Caulfield when died?

  • Where did Caulfield die? What was the location of death?

    United States

Caulfield Birthday and Date of Death

Caulfield died in 2015.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: 2015
Age at Death: -

Caulfield - Biography

Caulfield Mount Herman was a recurring character on Season One of Scream Queens. He was introduced in Hell Week as a member of the Dickie Dollar Scholars fraternity. His arms were severed by the Red Devil in Chainsaw, and he was killed by Boone Clemens, as the Red Devil, in Seven Minutes in Hell.He is portrayed by Evan Paley.