Susan Buckner


Is Susan Buckner Dead or Still Alive? Susan Buckner Birthday and Age

Susan Buckner

How Old Is Susan Buckner? Susan Buckner Birthday

Susan Buckner was born on January 28, 1953 and is 71 years old now.

Birthday: January 28, 1953
How Old - Age: 71

Susan Buckner Death Fact Check

Susan is alive and kicking and is currently 71 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Susan Buckner - Biography

Susan Buckner is an American film and television actress. Prior to her acting career she was crowned Miss Washington in 1971 and in September went on to become a top ten finalist in the Miss America 1972 pageant (she tied for first in the swimsuit preliminary), which was eventually won by Miss Ohio Laurel Lea Schaefer. Her acting career is sprinkled with supporting roles in television, stage, and film. Susan is probably best remembered for her role as high school cheerleader "Patty Simcox" in the summer blockbuster of 1978 Grease starring Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta. She also appeared as one of The Krofftettes who performed synchronized swimming routines on The Brady Bunch Variety Hour. The most recent appearance of Buckner was on an episode of 1 vs. 100 as a mob member.